WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CNPA INTEGRATED LAND MANAGEMENT FORUM NOTE OF MEETING 21 JANUARY 2005 Introductions were made about the CNPA, the Integrated land management Forum and the National park Plan. The following poitns were made: • It would be herlpful to vary the times of the IMF to enable a wide range of stakeholders to attend. For example, it would be helpful to framers if the meetings were to be held in the early evenings (3-8 pm). • It would be beneficial to distribute paper copies of papers, as well as circulating them by email. • All members of the ILMF were invited to make suggestions for agenda items • It would be helpful to use plain and simple language in papers. LAND MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP NOTES Agriculture producing more quality sustaining jobs, managed landscape with variety habitats, more mixed than today, ie. Variety crops, mixed breeds of livestock, (winter stubble), payment for wider variety “products” and geared to needs of CNP, in integrated manner. Zoned approach to influence management to be appropriate to location and wildlife needs. More wildlife, better habitats, attractive landscapes. Woodland Past adverse impacts of commercial forestry restored – more mixed age and native species structures, natural treeline in some places, building and expanding on recent restructuring to favour native woodlands, quality wood products. More extensive floodplain woodland. Mountain and Moorland Some well-managed moorland Healthy montane habitats better able to withstand climate change etc. Overarching A managed landscape, able to sustain itself, promoting development and improvement of the natural resource. Communication Preservation – John Muir Conservation thro use Market economy based on “benefit” delivery of public and private objectives Utilities not taking account of NPS Communicate understanding of landscape/biodiversity and intangible benefits/brands Support mechanisms for diversity of habitat mosaic Discretionary incentive schemes fit for local needs Reward good practice Design standards respect for location (non urban) More wooden houses A tourism industry which helps sustain the natural environment Better/more effective use of public money, long term support and stability GP2 Flow diagram - not available in full text format Keep People on land Keep Landskills Culture Influence Farming Stalking Recreation / sport Woodland by Settlements Wildlife Natural Resources More cropping (save) Safeguard agri land ENERGY Wind Water Geo Bio Efficiency Landscape Views Wilding Vital to tourism Landscape Softer forestry Keep Patchwork Road character Loking like European landscape – blurring of boundaries mosaic .